"I wonder if that was from the pastrami rueben I had yesterday?"

Monday, September 11, 2017

Session 9 report, Freidvale campaign

When we last left our heroes, Brog was poised over a large 30' long, 20' wide metallic barrel in the middle of an underwater cave, whilst 4 large zombies began harassing the player characters down below.  Brog leapt to the ground to join the fray, heroically twisting his ankle in the process.  I could bore you with details of the battle, but suffice to say the zombies, even rather large ones, were no match for the PC's.  Having dispatched this final obstacle in the pursuit of their quest, the PC's pondered for no small amount of time what they should do next.  The guard who had wandered into the cave after them offered his opinion, and was quickly shushed by Brog with threats of having various body parts amputated by a sword. 

They decided to enter the device of Kwalish and see what could be seen.  They found ten levers and 6 seats, and a hatch in the aft section.  A disembodied voice began speaking to them and asking them questions.  The PC's did not seem terribly curious about a talking metallic barrel, but did ask HAROLD (as the device introduced himself as such) if he had any offensive capabilities.  Harold responded by extended his pincers and snapping them menacingly.

The PCs decided on a course of murder and mayhem, and were about to order Harold out of the grotto and into the spears of the many imperial soldiers outside, when the undine Brog had spared a few scenes ago appeared in the water, offering to open a portal to her homeland to transport the crew to safety.  Brog readily agreed, and away they went.

During this time, the guard watch haplessly and silently, and was promptly forgotten by the PCs until a few scenes later.

The PC's appeared in what appeared to be the ruins of an underwater city.  The undine who brought them hence (her name was Nightsong) spoke with her father, the leader of the undines, Cloudburst.  He allowed as how he would do no harm to the PCs, since they had saved his daughter's life, but he would need speak to the council on what to do with them, since they couldn't be allowed to leave now that they knew the location of the undine's hidden sanctuary.  They were taken to a holding area for 8 hours, which consisted of a large bubble of air beneath the water on the floor of whatever seas they had found themselves in.  Brog attempted a diplomacy role, and he conducted himself rather well, all things considered.  He did not sway the opinion of Cloudburst, however, and the PCs set watches over the next 8 hours, deciding to rest the spell casters and gather their wits about them. 

The PCs were joined with two other denizens of the holding area, Blackthorn the Druid and Terra the Rogue, who had been heading toward Freidvale by boat on a mission of mercy before being swept away by a storm.  They found themselves in the same predicament as the party.  Unsure of their next course of action, they decided to all rest until the leader of the Undines returned.  It was at this time that someone thought to question where the guard was, who had, in fact, been left in the grotto. 

Karsh took the first watch.  During his watch he saw a small octopus crawl out of the water and scuttle it's way towards their makeshift camp.  Alarmed, Karsh woke Brog and pointed to the octopus approaching them.  Brog rolled over and began snoring (with disdain for his easily unsettled friend).  Karsh then heard a voice in his head, asking if he might, perhaps, have any shrimp.  Karsh said he did not, never questioning for a moment that the voice in his head belonged to the octopus who had crept quite close to him.  Then the octopus (for this was indeed a telepathic octopus) asked if the person sleeping near Karsh might, perhaps, be a ranger.  Karsh allowed as Brog was indeed a ranger.  Brog became interested in the conversation at this point and roused himself.  The octopus introduced himself as Arthur, and went into a sales pitch as to why Brog should select him as his animal companion when the time presented itself. 

Arthur quickly donned an eye patch and showed that he could quadruple wield 4 daggers simultaneously, whilst still maintaining maximum speed on land.  He could also release a cloud of ink to confound his enemies (which, he assured Brog, was much more impressive in the water than on dry land).  He demonstrated his ability to jet backward at amazing speeds through the water, launching himself like a torpedo through the water into the air bubble and into the arms of Brog.  Lastly, he could even pick pockets with all eight of his tentacles.

Brog, nonplussed by this display, asked Tannis if she would like the octopus, stating he wanted 'a cool animal companion, like a wolf or a bear.'  Brog's loss was Tannis' gain, and the monk and octopus became fast friends.  The matter of how they would keep Arthur's skin moist once they returned to the surface world was left unexplored for the moment.

I grow weary of my own session report.  Yadda yadda, King Cloudburst asked a favor of the PC's, find some missing undines and I'll let you free, they explored the undersea ruins of Atuan, found some dead bodies, found a strange man fleeing some sharks, decided the man was bad and left him for the sharks, he ordered the sharks to attack the device, the sharks were dispatched and reverted to human form, they questioned the old man and found out he had killed the corpses they found because his people were running out of water because of a revolt of the proletariat among his people, an undersea city enclave known as the Helenites.  Oh yeah, Vociferea got to cast zone of truth on the old man, Brog and Karsh stabbed things, and Arthur and Tannis bludgeoned and stabbed things.

To be continued.