The Clumsy Monk

"I wonder if that was from the pastrami rueben I had yesterday?"
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Guess this is my Journal now
Monday, November 6, 2023
What the hell am I posting this for?
Listening to "A Punk" by Vampire Weekend currently. I am slated to join a writers' group at the local library. Okay, the song just switched to "Head's on fire" by TMBG. I have no idea what to write. I wrote a story a year ago, but I'm pretty sure it sucks. My Dad liked it, but hey, he's my dad.
It's not that I have no ideas. I just have no ideas that don't suck. I suppose I could bring something that sucks to the writer's group. That's probably what's expected, right? I mean, if you could write something that blew people away, you wouldn't need a writer's group. You'd need an agent.
I have a headache.
I guess it's obvious, but not only do my ideas for stories suck, my ideas for filling up my blog also suck. At least it cost nothing to read it except your precious time that you'll never get back and the breaths you took while reading are that many breaths closer to your very last one as you gasp, aspirating from the remnants of that mineral water you drank too close to your bedtime and your wife warned you not to do that but did you listen? Did you?
Now there's a commercial playing for a Godzilla movie. That seems like an appropriate soundtrack to this blog....
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Native for the win
Finally found a brand that worked after 3 tries - Native. Has no scent, but prevents armpit stench completely and doesn't give me a rash.
Wasn't going to post this, then saw some people were actually reading this. I don't know whether to be glad or feel sorry for you that you have so much time on your hands....
Next up: The adventures of owning a 1906 2 1/2 story Victorian historic home: The Bathroom Saga.
Monday, July 24, 2023
The whole reason I tried Dr. Squatch was because the deodorant I was using made my armpits itch. No luck with the Dr. - my pits are itchy once again. I must be sensitive to something in both deodorants.
Back to the drawing board.
In other news, I have a new house. 2 1/2 story Victorian built in 1906. I am going to buy a cane and a monocle....
Friday, July 21, 2023
I like Dr. Squatch... so far
Works well, and so far my body hasn't rejected it.
In other news, my cat is deeply neurotic.
Friday, July 14, 2023
My Armpits Stink...
I'm allergic to aluminum, apparently, so most standard deodorants are right out. I'm currently trying Dr. Squatch. It's 1pm and my pits still don't stink (yet) so all's well....
Friday, September 25, 2020
Race for the Galaxy
Played last night on Board Game Arena with friends from California and Maryland. While digital gaming does leave some things to be desired, it was nice to catch up with people before and after the games. And while Zoom meetings are not the same as in person meetings, my wife and I are learning to adapt.
Race for the Galaxy is fun. You draft planets and development cards to earn resources and victory points, or bonuses to future actions. You pick one action every round and gain a bonus for that action, but you can still perform other actions (without the bonus) if someone else picks that action for the round. It's another one of those games that's easy to play but I suspect there is a lot of underlying strategy that none of us are getting yet. I like the theme of building an interstellar empire, although, apart from the card art, the theme could have been anything at all. It's an older game, but still fun in my opinion.